Oh what a wonderful year!

As I write this final word to each of you the Joys of Christmas are behind us and we are looking forward to our 203rd annual Grand Lodge communication. I hope each of you had a very meaningful holiday celebration. As the Masonic year draws to a close I would like to thank each of you for the opportunity to serve you as Grand Master of our great fraternity in Louisiana. This year has been a wonderful experience for me, with memories I will cherish forever, places I have traveled, visits I have made, and especially friends and brothers I have met and learned to love. Thank all of you for a wonderful year.

The heritage and diversity of Masonry in Louisiana is so much more than in other Grand Jurisdictions. When one enters into the varied lodges he can hardly emerge without a whole different perspective on the face and heart of Masonry and I can tell you it is good. The future for our fraternity is bright, There is a new attitude yes, even a renewed interest in the future. New members are beginning to look for our great lessons, they are young, vivacious, impatient and full of energy. They are from an environment of instant communication and instant information. The answer to most of the questions one can think of are as close as their “smart phone” and “Google®” So what do we have to offer, what can we give this instant generation?

There is a mystique about our fraternity, there is something reaching out to them, there is a calling to those that have realized there is more to living than making money; there is more to living than a mere day by day existence. We all know Masonry means different things to each of us, but in the end, after all the ritual, catechisms, study programs, meetings, research reports, banquets, and just plain simple fellowship are done, I think I have discovered the true secret in Masonry. The real secret in Masonry is that secret leap in your heart when you discover (meet) a new brother for the first time. . . . .on the level. When you just know you have a friend in which you may safely rely. That peace in your heart that tells you even though you may not agree on all points you can still rely on his fidelity.

So as I soon relinquish the reins of our fraternity to another true and trusty brother, let me leave you with a couple of thoughts. First, support your leaders with all your heart, and follow their lead. Secondly, Be the Brother you expect your brother to be toward you. Help each one you meet to discover that real true secret of Masonry that only comes from the heart.

Fraternally and Sincerely
H. Edward Durham
Grand Master