Category Archives: News

Letter from Grand Master Terry Fowler regarding donations to Ukraine

M∴ W∴ B∴ William “Bill” Mollere Library Collection

The Masonic Library and Museum are proud to announce that a multitude of books from the library of our dearly departed Brother, Most Worshipful Brother William “Bill” Mollere, PGM, are now available in the Masonic Library and Museum located in Alexandria. Most Worshipful Brother Mollere was a titan of Masonry in the State of Louisiana, and we are honored to keep his legacy alive in the form of an impressive Masonic collection of books. Included in the collection is the Scottish Rite’s annual publication Heredom (years 1992-2017), the transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (years 1983-2018), history books on the Scottish Rite and the York Rite, the Allied Masonic Degrees, the Memphis Rite and dozens of other Masonic books.  We truly appreciate the efforts of Gary Mollere in insuring this collection was donated to our Library and Museum.


Edict 2019-2

Please be advised that Edict 2019-2 concerning the New Trial Code has been issued by M∴W∴ Steve Pence, Grand Master.

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Edict 2019-1

Please be advised that Edict 2019-1 concerning the Perpetual Membership program has been issued by M∴W∴ Steve Pence, Grand Master.

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208th Annual Grand Communication

The 208th Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana F∴ & A∴ M∴ has been completed.  The brothers completed all their business on Saturday, June 29, 2019, and peace and harmony have truly hailed.  A lot of work goes into these sessions and we truly appreciate all the many volunteers that help set up, arrange, tear down, and move all the various items that are used during the session and spend hours ensuring the session is a success.  Of course, there are hiccups along the way, but thanks to our team of volunteers and staff we always seem to be able to minimize downtime.

We also want to take a special moment to congratulate our elected Grand Lodge Officers set to serve us until the next Grand Lodge Session to be opened April 25th, 2019.

M∴W∴ Steven A. Pence – Grand Master

R∴W∴ James E. Steen – Deputy Grand Master

R∴W∴ Terrell D. Fowler – Grand Senior Warden

R∴W∴ Jay B. McCallum – Grand Junior Warden

R∴W∴ Charles R. Smith – Grand Treasurer

M∴W∴ Woody D. Bilyeu, PGM – Grand Secretary

M:W: Martin Reinschmidt restores recognition of Grand Encampment

My Brothers,

Through a series of meetings and emails between M:E:G:M: Jeff Nelson of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America and myself, we were able to work out the differences that had arisen between the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, F & A M and the Grand Encampment, leading to my removing our recognition of the Grand Encampment.

Based on an agreement between the M:E:G:M Nelson and I, I have rescinded Edict 2018-02 effective Saturday, September 24, 2018, and have restored recognition to the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America.

May the Grand Architect of the Universe bless the Grand Lodge of Louisiana and the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America.

Martin J Reinschmidt
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Louisiana

Grand Lodge of Louisiana has withdrawn recognition of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America

At our most recent Grand Lodge session, it was determined by a vote of the Grand Lodge that certain members of our fraternity should stand suspended or expelled.  Suspensions or expulsions should be recognized across jurisdictions and by all bodies appendant to the various Grand Lodges of the United States of America.  Due to an infraction in this time immemorial custom and landmark of the fraternity by the Grand Encampment of the United States of America recognition has been withdrawn by Edict 2018-2.  This action does not affect members Knighted by the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Louisiana which is still operating under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana.

For further study, we have also included this link to the Grand Encampment Constitution and direct your attention to Section 202 which clearly states that membership in the Grand Encampment ceases to exist one a regular lodge membership has been suspended or expelled and no trial is required once the lodge membership is revoked.