Category Archives: News

Letter from Grand Master Terry Fowler regarding donations to Ukraine

Hurricanes Marco and Laura

The Grand Master has requested we remind everyone to be prepared for the possible incoming storms by ensuring your Lodge Records are secure and safe from any potential flooding. We pray for all to weather these storms with care and safety. Please stay aware and prepared as the upcoming days are uncertain at best. We shall keep our state and the Brethren in our thoughts and prayers. Please feel free to reach out if there is anything we may do to assist in any way.


Directive 2020-05

Directive 2020-05

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July 14, 2020

Now that the actual Proclamation Number 89 JBE 2020 from Governor John Bel Edwards concerning face masks has been released, we should clarify the Directive from the Grand Master issued on July 13, 2020.

One of the exceptions that are contained in the Proclamation states that “Any individual who….will be able to maintain strict social distancing of six feet apart from any other individual” is exempt from the mask requirement. 

Please be advised of this clarification and act accordingly.