Category Archives: News

Letter from Grand Master Terry Fowler regarding donations to Ukraine

Phishing emails

An email was received by our office that is an attempt to phish money from unsuspecting victims.  Please do not ever send money or gift cards without first verifying the source.  Our Grand Master did not send out any such requests.  These scammers are very good at making things legit.

George Washington’s Birthday

NOTICE: Monday, February 22, 2021

I would like to invite each of you, and all of the constituent Lodges of The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, to join us on Monday, February 22, 2021 to honor and celebrate the birthday of our Illustrious Brother George Washington.  Each year, the Memorial hosts a Gala for Washington’s Birthday.  Yet, because of restrictions in place for everyone’s safety during the pandemic, the 2021 Washington’s Birthday Celebration will be online.  This event will be live-streamed next Monday.  Please follow us on Facebook to stay informed and to get the latest information for the event.  More information can be found at

J.F. “Jeff” Webb, P.G.M., President

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Lodge Furniture available

The pictures below are Lodge furniture that is being offered to Lodges that have been damaged by hurricanes. The furniture is located in Houston, TX, and was used in Walter M. Pierson Lodge #1339. They have sold their building and must be out by the first of November.  The only catch is that someone will need to go pick up the items in Houston. So, if any of our Lodges are interested please contact the Grand Secretary’s office for more information on who to contact to make arrangements for pickup.